Monday, June 15, 2009

10% Goal!

I am a Weight Watcher

I haven't written anything on here yet about my journey through outer space, otherwise known as Weight Watchers so here goes.

My dad, mom, and I joined Weight Watchers on Feb 2 because we all knew we had to get a little healthier. It's been an odd journey and I am not 100% sure how I feel about it thus far. My weight when we rang in the New Year was 267 pounds. I have been heavier, however I knew I had been lighter. My goal in joining was to feel healthier and not take so many naps. Since I have joined this program I have lost a total of 36 pounds and tonight in our weight watcher meeting I got my 10% key chain. It's kinda like AA when you celebrate your month sober and they give you a keychain trinket. I released- the weight watcher term for lost- 10 % of my starting weight. My dad is right behind me with three pounds to go for his 10% and my mom about seven pounds to go. More than anything I just enjoy the weekly weigh in's and meeting. Every Monday Night I come down to Cerritos to go to meetings with them then we sit on the couch eating ice cream and watching law and order. It's a great tradition. On a side note, I also treadmill about three times a week and am now up to jogging with the help of Michael Jackson. I never thought I would jog.

Two things that are odd to me-
1. Friends and co-workers tell me I look so good. When this happens my first reaction is - fuck, what did I look like before or why didn't you say that when I was heavier.
2.- I can see the start of my rib cage and my ribs when I lay down. Ok, not that I am Iggy Pop by any stretch of the imagination but this is a new feeling to me and one that sort of makes me nauseous. When this happens there is a spot in my brain that tells me I must be losing weight because I am sick like cancer or what not. Tonight when I got the keychain I wanted to share this with the group but I chose not to. However, after confiding with my mom she said the same thing happens to her. She explored this and came to the conclusion that it may be the result of watching her daughter die of caner and become so thin. I thought about that too.

Anyway, 10%.... Weight Watchers goal weight for someone my height, 5'11, is minimum 179 pounds. I would have no tits, not to mention at 231 I have begun wearing a push up bra at all times when I want cleavage. I like tits, ah tits and if I lose anymore of them I will feel less feminine. I will keep you posted about this journey but just wanted to share it thus far. I also now wear a size 16 dress. Fuckin weird. The weight on my drivers license reads 220, this is what I weighed in high school. I am almost there and that is FINE with me!

I am now going to have some ice cream to celebrate it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! I wanna see a pic! Show me your tits!