Friday, December 14, 2007

Drop another coin in the slot and I will tell you more.

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I am not a religious person however on the rare occasion this pointless universe hands me something of value I take notice. Yesterday in an old saloon I stumbled upon one of those antique fortune-telling machines, you know the ones that spit cards out as useless as your actual life. Now it could’ve been the cocktail of beer and xanax or the interior of the building however this machine called to me, it also could’ve been that as me being a Piscean I am forever drawn to things that don’t exist. The old clay woman from within the booth gave me the following fortune:
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Be careful and always look before you leap. Things right now are not as rosy as you anticipate. Make sure you have an absolute thorough understanding of the life you lead. You are naturally too liberal and often times get the worst of it, but you are so broad-minded that, rather then cause hard feelings with anybody, you will stand for abuse and say nothing. Remember that people will always have their best interest in mind and these interests are not your own. Your life is marked with loneliness and despair from the actions of others and though you struggle to make sense of this, failure seems deliberate. You must learn to use your creativity to adjust to such things and will eventually understand that disappointment and isolation will occur often. Drop another coin in the slot and I will tell you more.

I thought better of it and kept my dime, rather then gain additional insight into this life that has turned out to be entirely too long.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Who cant love a good class war?

Watch this new film from Brave New Films:

My comment:
I have my college degree in Social Work. I owe $55,000 in student loans, Henry’s hourly wage. I work for $9.50 an hour. I earn an annual income of $23,000 a year. I live in a 500 square foot apartment, which takes more then half my monthly income. I work in a chronically homeless shelter in Los Angeles, assisting people who on average collect $221 a month on general relief. All are mentally ill with substance abuse problems. They live at the shelter, each in their sprawling 9x9 square foot cubicle complete with desk lamp, bed, and dresser drawer. At the flick of a dial they see rushing water in the shower, sometimes hot, and three times a day they retreat to their opulent dining hall where they enjoy hot meals, then after they have had their fill of mostly beans and rice, they retire to relax on their eleven year old couch, complete with lice outbreaks, to watch a television that receives over three channels. Like Henry’s estate, the shelter contains a master library where one can relax while sitting on milk crates reading paperback books from the 1970’s. And also like Henry many of the clients own a vacation property they can escape to when they need to relax. Some have private storage facilities where they retreat to when they need to get away or for others it’s under the pier in Santa Monica where there are free showers and other homeless single families they can mingle with. Oh but that’s not all. Like Henry our clients feel the need to play, one of them played the California lottery and won $1,000, his earnings however were not paid out. Rather they were collected by the state of California to cover his general relief costs which states there can be no other income while collecting the exorbitant amount of $221 a month.
At present it is such an exclusive lifestyle that only 90,000 people in the county of Los Angeles who qualify as homeless can live in our opulent shelter mansion. I am sorry to inform you that you don’t meet our criteria. Ah Henry your mansions could house all of these people. However, I don’t think they would feel comfortable living your life, as they are used to having to pay taxes, even though their incomes are less then $9,000 a year even though this income comes from full time employment, go minimum wage! In addition, they are also accustomed to doing for themselves in order to survive; I don’t think you would fit in here.
So cheers to you good sir, may you sleep well tonight, regardless of which of the 47 king size beds you lay down in. Perhaps one day our paths will cross, as I will be first in line for the class war that will redistribute wealth, nothing personal.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

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Today’s LA Times Opinion page features a brilliant chart of corporate greed and where we stand as consumers; to buy or not to buy, to think twice before you spend money and be a responsible consumer. This year when you stockpile carts to prove to people that you love them, think twice about where you spend your money and what corporate interest you are supporting. I too like giving gifts however have come to understand, as have most of my gift recipients that the best gifts cannot be purchased. My feelings of appreciation toward those I love is not based on how long I have stood in line for them or how much money I spend, rather it is based on a thoughtful commitment to making their lives better and making them laugh. Shop on!,0,1633991.story?coll=la-opinion-rightrail

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Homeless Walk

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Today in Exposition Park about four thousand people gathered together to raise awareness about the 90,000 homeless people who live in Los Angeles County. The event has raised almost $800,000 thus far, thanks to those who sponsored me, and I also completed the 5k, my fat ass completed a 5k! I was honored to be among like-minded people who demonstrate such compassion for people most of our country ignores. The basic conversation among us was that homelessness is not an epidemic that is to be solved through free meals and emergency beds rather through housing, permanent affordable housing. It was an awesome day and gave me a much needed renewal of my goals and confirmation that there are others out there who are concerned about our homeless population as much as I.

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My fellow co-workers and clients before the walk.
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There are thousands of us; rest assured we will never give up!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Relocating the poor for the poor?

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As a social worker living in Los Angeles I write this entry now in the hopes of bringing this matter to my readers attention in order for it to receive the public attention it so urgently needs.
Rosewood avenue, a street in a small section of the city of Los Angeles, houses low income, primarily first generation Latino families and has been selected for a ‘revitalization project’. The Los Angeles Housing Partnership has agreed to lease the lot from the Rosewood United Methodist Church, which owns the property, and will be building a new 54-unit complex for senior housing. Sounds great, right?
However, there are ten families that live on the lot now. Most of the residents have lived in their complex for years, one resident over thirty years, and thanks to rent control most only pay 1/3 of what the current rent amounts are. The duplexes are large upstairs downstairs turn of the century dwellings with kitchen rooms, dinning rooms, and contain much closet space. Through the relocation process these residents will lose this security. The relocation company will match bedrooms only, therefore even though these dwellings contain two levels, kitchen space, dinning room space, 2 bathrooms etc they are only guaranteed to receive a two-bedroom apartment in the move; many of these dwellings currently house families with multiple children. Worse yet, the relocation package will only cover the rent adjustment for the first 42 months.
One resident who pays $400 a month for his housing now is looking at an increase of rent about 4x that after the move. He is a senior, 77 years old, on a fixed income and relies solely on his SSI and will never be able to afford this rent increase.
In addition, there are undocumented families living here who will lose everything, as they are not eligible to receive any relocation benefits because they are not ‘citizens’.
Displacing the poor for the poor is not revitalization nor does it serve as community development for affordable housing. It is legal, but it is not ethical. I attended the relocation meeting last night and was outraged to hear about what a great thing this project will be for the community. Sharon Foster, the person working for Del Richardson and Associates, the company assigned to relocate the families, talked about what great progress this was. Their website boasts about empowerment and advocacy through helping low income families; this is not helping. The church that owns the lot boasts about helping the community, yet how is this helping the community. I probed the issue further, wanting to know why the affluent, primarily suburban parishioners of the Rosewood United Methodist Church would be so aggressive about tearing down the existing dwellings. The answer I was given, the parishioners will gain a larger parking lot for their Sunday services.
I spoke with Ryan Mendoza, the project manager from Los Angeles Housing Partnership and he agreed it’s a hard thing. I asked him how displacing, relocating, uprooting these low-income families can be a good thing? He struggled to answer. What is the answer?
Stay tuned for updates, we are not done here..

Friday, October 26, 2007

Gromphadorhina Portentosa

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At first I thought I had met someone who was fun to hang with and incredibly nice however when I walked into her house and saw a cage on the floor with bark chips in it I knew I had made a new friend, one who wouldn’t think my fondness for insects was odd or disgusting. Yay for new friends! Lillian had Gromphadorhina portentosa, Madagascar hissing cockroaches and I had the opportunity to view these caged beauties up-close and personal. They have armor on the heads that resembles big eyes and a sophisticated eyebrow line, truly remarkable. It is often thought the cockroach will inherit the earth after we kill ourselves with radiation, war, or global warming- you can pick which comes first. The cockroach is one of the hardiest insects on the planet, capable of living for a month without food; being able to survive even on the glue from the back of postage stamps. It can also hold its breath for 45 minutes and has the ability to slow down its heart rate. Who cannot admire these qualities?
*One should also note that when you step on a roach they put out a signal to their group that they are threatened and begin breeding faster and eggs spring open so you're actually making things worse for yourself, the same goes for ants.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Q-Tip Pleasures

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I have a fetish for picking things. In the common English language a fetish is any degree of attention given to a singular inanimate object, body part, body feature or sexual behavior. Though the word fetish often triggers some type of image of handcuffs or two men embraced in latex, the fact is fetishes can be as ordinary as a married couple’s sex life.
For me this means that picking things are equal to yoga, meditation, and sometimes the sensations generated from picking things is quite similar to the physical results of masturbation. When I pull things like wax out of my ear or lint out of my belly button I get happy, sometimes tingly. People who are honest will admit that having their ears cleaned is generally considered a pleasant feeling, like having one's back scratched. The cleaning of ears is sometimes considered an act of intimacy when performed by a mother to a child or by one's lover. A navel fetishist can be sexually aroused by viewing the inside of a belly button, picking or sniffing the navel of another person, or by having any of that done to their own navel by another or, to a lesser extent, themselves.
The sad thing is this fetish landed me in urgent care last night. I became so convinced there was something of significance in my ear such as a doubloon or insect that I scratched the inside of my ear raw with a q-tip, thus leaving the skin open to infection which must have happened when I used my fingernail to play with the inside of my ear. The doctor humored me as she told me stories of people who had exotic objects shoved into their ears. Alas, I was not one of these; I simply had an ear infection. As of writing this now I cannot hear out of my left ear and there is a severe pain in my neck, I was given eardrops for my infection and a refill of vicodin for the pain, a refill I needed thanks to one banana grabber. I was told to throw out all my q-tips but when I opened my cabinet I couldn’t do it. Is there something wrong with me or is picking parts of your body too enticing to stop, even at the expense of ones health? They need to make mechanical devices that feel as good in ones ear as in ones pussy.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Racists Need ESL Classes

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The immigration debate rages on and I spent my morning reading the latest posts on the la times page, laughing most of the way through them.
The question put forth was Do you believe the massive sweeps and deportations help solve the U.S. immigration problem?

The link is here:,1,7850514.graffitiboard?coll=la-util-news-local

However I thought I would post some of the funnier ones for you all to enjoy.
(these are copied and pasted-I in no way altered the spelling/grammar, that’s why they’re so great!)

-To all Ilegals Alien in this country. If you not respect our law, you should out of here.
Submitted by: OC
- There is no raciam. This is all they can come up with. The Qustion is why does our government not enforce the laws that are in place? . Why do Americans have to suffer in many ways.ays Examles ID theft, Overcrowded schools, freeways, drugs coming accross our bordars, jobs and on and on. If you are angry vote and get the politicans out of office, that go against what the American people have asked them to do.
Submitted by: Lesle W.
- Has everyone forgotten 9-11. National security. Most of the terrorists and ploters were illegal immigrants. Plotting our demise from within our own homeland. We are not xenophobes. I know so may people who have come here legally. They are happy and feel welcome. Any immigrants who come here and knowlingly break the law should expect to be deported.
Submitted by: PC Carroll (haha, my fav the 9/11 link!)
- Please don't compare the civil rights movement with illegal immigration. Illegal aliens have NO rights in America period! Maybe if all these maids and gardeners stayed in their own countries they would be forced to make their own countries better. Stop running North everytime there's an armed conflict in your third world country. Can you say Cowards? I for one don't want you in MY Country!
Submitted by: Wm (if this was posted by an African American I will cry)
- Absoultly. Put a 15 foot wall up with guns and watch the crime go down, drugs and gangs go down, health care costs go down, Polution from unregestered cars go down. Watch taxes go down because we have to pay for all the illlegal health care and schooling, Watch jobs increase for leagle ameicans. The snowbal effect from so many filtering in is staggering. Stop and look at your deductions on your paycheck and ask yourself where all the money is going.
Submitted by: KH

How great is this country!
So brave, so american.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

A Dollop of Trollops

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-my house in the morning with champagne and make-up
This is a prelude of more to come. I had the honor of spending the day with Lolita La Vey and April Flores, dressing them up in my hats and costumes then shooting them in an old Victorian housing lot. It couldnt have been more entertaining and my models couldnt have been more beautiful. I am happy to have two such lovely ladies in my life.
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-April Flores
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-Lolita La Vey
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-me and the lasses, I contained myself adaquately.

Visit the main page for all the photos!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hats Off at the LA County Fair

I attended the Los Angeles County Fair in Pomona today to enter some of my millinery curiosities. The critics were kind and though my hats were a bit more lavish and odd they were still well received. I took second place overall and the other two placed first and second in their categories.
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The woman who took first place overall had a stunning red hat. Some African American women take great pride in their ‘church hats’. There are several books published about this subject and I find this particular culture both interesting and beautiful, if I could sit through church I would like to attend a service just to admire all the hats around me, unfortunately this is not enough to get me into a church. She took first place and enjoyed her time at the fair as her husband slept in a chair enjoying his own time at the fair.
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Cute Lolita wears my prize- a small hat containing a gift certificate within it.
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After the judging we walked around the fairgrounds that were crowded and offered every type of fried food imaginable, from deep fried oreo cookies to deep fried coke, don’t ask. Fair goers appear able to classify into two categories, those who attend to see the exhibits and those who attend to eat fried fat foods chased with Rolaids and 20 oz beers. I found myself somewhere in the middle and did enjoy a couple eight dollar 20 oz beers but found the food too nauseating to enjoy, ironically the fair is sponsored by McDonalds.

There were the cutest group of young girls in traditional Mexican dress performing on stage and I had to snap a picture of one in particular.
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On a final note Alex found an event he is going to enter next year, get your papers ready.
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I was happy to have attended and look forward to connecting with all the women I met today in the hopes of perfecting my craft.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


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These ladies are ready for the fair and as I stand before them waiting for them to come to life I realize I've watched Mannequin too much, that or I need to spend a night with a beautiful girl, or several nights with several girls.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Sunset for a Swan

It was raining last night, I believe it hasn’t rained in los angeles for decades, or so it feels. Upon this wet excitement alex poochinie and I trekked up the hills of Barnsdall Park and over several bottles of champagne and cigarettes we watched the sun set behind the clouds. This was one of those magical moments where red velvet curtains opened on a creaking wooden stage and if only for a moment we were able to see inside.

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Gentrification Strikes Back!

I just had my coffee and read this article from todays LA Times. I found it so hilarious I had to write to the editor. You can the view the article here.,1,3454034.story?coll=la-headlines-california

L.A. parking plan a threat to hipness? – CA Section 9/13/2007

I had a good laugh after reading this article. The irony is that these residents are complaining about ‘more money being less hip’ or parking meters being too intrusive when over fifteen years ago the original residents of Silverlake- mainly low income Latino families, were displaced or relocated as a result of higher and excessive rent increases when new ‘hip’ residents moved in. Long gone are most of the Latino family owned restaurants on Sunset blvd to make room for trendy coffee shops and the Sunset Junction Street Fair, once free or on a donation basis, now charges an admission of about twenty dollars, keeping low-income native families from attending this ‘community’ event. Before the residents of Silverlake begin to complain about the changes to their hip little city they should consider whom they displaced when they moved in and the impact they had. I say put a parking meter right outside their front door. I think it is incredibly classist and racist that the impact of gentrification on low-income families was not mentioned in this article.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sadie Ginger Jones

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I don’t know the actual birth date of my dog however it was sometime in October of 1994. My dog will be 13 next month. Our trips to the park have gotten shorter as when we go she tends to just lay in the grass, when she is not eating it. Her hips are sore and her two back legs drag the ground when she walks. I have to physically pick her up to put her in my truck and she struggles to get up on the bed most of the time. I don’t want to think about life without her. She has always been there for me, to lay with me when I cry, to leave a mess for me when I get home from a long day of work, and to look at me with her head tilted when she knows I am about to do something wrong. I bet if she could speak she would save me a lot of time as she has watched me grow old alongside her. If you have a pet you know they become a regular fixture of your support system. I am most certain she will live to be thirty…

Saturday, September 8, 2007

I Go Walking After Midnight

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I’m sitting on the floor watching Monique build my website and to be honest I’m bored. Half of me wants to help her and the other half wants to nap, so somewhere in the middle of thinking I came to the conclusion that if I just sat here and typed she would think I was working on something. I look serious, real serious.

I went walking last night up to Los Feliz and down the quiet streets of the upper class neighborhood that echo the hills of my home. It was one of those magical nights where after feeling cooped up in the house, I wish I lived in a coop, my hamster began running overtime to remind me I need to make new friends so I left and started walking. One of the nice things about my neighborhood is that several of the old brick houses have galleons on their weather panes.

I walked up and down the streets feeling as if at any moment I was going to stumble upon some magical wooden door that would creak open and an invitation from a hobbit would beckon me into some other place. It didn’t and I ended up at Rite Aid to buy an ice cream sandwich, mint chip (as if there were any other flavor). There was a man sitting outside the door asking for change so I bought him one too. He thanked me and I headed back for home passing several bars on the way. I’m trying to cut back on my drinking, it has gotten me into a lot of trouble lately. My mania shifts and people walk on eggshells and for them I am sorry. I want so many things to be different in my life, too many fuckin things.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007

Pigeons Blammed for Deaths?

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I found this article to be very sad. very sad indeed.

Experts Tie Pigeon Dung, Bridge Collapse
By MARTIGA LOHN, Associated Press Writer
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Pounded and strained by heavy traffic and weakened by missing bolts and cracking steel, the failed interstate bridge over the Mississippi River also faced a less obvious enemy: pigeons.

Inspectors began documenting the buildup of pigeon dung on the span near downtown Minneapolis two decades ago. Experts say the corrosive guano deposited all over the Interstate 35W span's framework helped the steel beams rust faster.

Although investigators have yet to identify the cause of the bridge's Aug. 1 collapse, which killed at least 13 people and injured about 100, the pigeon problem is one of many factors that dogged the structure.

"There is a coating of pigeon dung on steel with nest and heavy buildup on the inside hollow box sections," inspectors wrote in a 1987-1989 report.

In 1996, screens were installed over openings in the bridge's beams to keep pigeons from nesting there, but that didn't prevent the building of droppings elsewhere.

Pigeon droppings contain ammonia and acids, said chemist Neal Langerman, an officer with the health and safety division of the American Chemical Society. If the dung isn't washed away, it dries out and turns into a concentrated salt. When water gets in and combines with the salt and ammonia, it creates small electrochemical reactions that rust the steel underneath.

"Every time you get a little bit of moisture there, you wind up having a little bit of electrochemistry occurring and you wind up with corrosion," said Langerman. "Over a long term, it might in fact cause structural weaknesses."

Langerman emphasized that he wasn't saying pigeon dung factored into the collapse of the 40-year-old bridge. "Let's let the highway transportation and safety people do their job," he said.

The problem is familiar to bridge inspectors everywhere.

The Colorado Department of Transportation spent so much time cleaning pigeon manure off bridges that it is embarking on a two-year research project looking for ways to keep pigeons away from its spans.

"It can be damaging to our structures because it's slightly acidic and it has other compounds in it that can dissolve especially things like concrete," said Patricia Martinek, the agency's environmental research manager.

Pigeon guano isn't just a danger to the bridges.

In the Denver area, the Colorado DOT pays outside environmental specialists to clean bridges wearing full biohazard suits with respirators because of heightened fears about bird flu and other diseases, said Rob Haines, who supervises maintenance there.

Keeping pigeons off bridges usually requires a multi-pronged strategy that can include netting to block holes and surfaces, spikes to keep them from landing, and sometimes poisoning, shooting or trapping the birds, said John Hart, a Grand Rapids, Minn.-based wildlife biologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The problem is that pigeons are naturally drawn to bridges and tall buildings since they're descended from cliff-dwellers, said Karen Purcell, who heads Project PigeonWatch at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Bridges offer shelter from predators and flat surfaces for nesting and roosting.

"It's a nice fit for them," Purcell said.

Meanwhile, the National Transportation Safety Board issued an update on its findings in the collapse Wednesday, saying investigators are looking at whether chemicals used in an automated de-icing system had any corrosive properties.

The state Transportation Department wasn't concerned about the system; in fact, the agency is planning to install a similar system on the replacement bridge, said Khani Sahebjam, a state transportation engineer.

The de-icing elements are inside the concrete deck, Sahebjam said, so he wouldn't expect them to pose a structural problem.

The automated system was triggered by weather conditions and kept the state from having to send crews to spread de-icing chemicals, Sahebjam said.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Bold in my Breeches

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People always ask me, Rebecca, why do you like pirates? Fuck off and read scavengers.... What did pirates do with their share of the booty? As soon as they were on land they acquired everything they needed for survival in the next weeks. The rest they used to eat, drink, pay whores, and play cards for a few days, until there was nothing left (ever hung out with me? if so this should sound familiar) . Then it was time to set sail again. The sea robbers nearly always gave away their money on land.. as quickly as they had got it. Among pirates money reached the highest speed of circulation ever recorded in the whole economic history. You see my whorish capitalist.. In contrast to merchants, that would be most of you, pirates assigned no special value to money. Most pirates died at sea from disease or fighting, their concern was never to plunder in order to become rich, the goal was instead to gain booty as quickly as possible with the least possible effort, so to fritter it away quickly. They never served like most in their time, and never to acquisition wealth. Unlike nobility, pirates knew nothing of economics, possessions or capital accumulation. Pirates, of all people, could have ended up the wealthiest of women/men in their time, but riches meant little to pirates. Riches consisted of meaningless production for the sake of production, and therefore would require power, exploitation, and class society. The true pirate holds property in contempt because it has nothing to do with the desire of freedom. Actually, it is an obstacle to that desire. A true pirate is well aware of the danger that the accumulation of goods represents to a life of freedom and equality. This type of life is by no means primitive, backwards, or underdeveloped; but it is anti-statist and anti-authorative in nature. To possess more than ones neighbor, to produce more, to be richer than the poor, developes the desire for property, which is ultimately the desire for power, which is everything this life loathes. SOCIETIES, LIKE THOSE OF PIRATES, ARE SOCIETIES WITHOUT ECONOMY OUT OF REFUSAL OF ECONOMY. Damn those who submit to be governed by laws which rich men have made for their own securities.

Emperess Hat

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-Lolita Le Vey

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-Lolita Le Vey

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more hats coming soon to my site
if you can come up with a good reason I could make you one too.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Disneyland: The Happiest Bank on Earth

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I am a disney fan. To be honest I am such a dorky disney fan that for as long as I can remember I have wanted to have my ashes scattered in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride- this was wayyy before you came to love pirates with the help of mr depp. This is the closest, save new orleans, I have ever come to feeling at home- once again I know, dork. Of course many of these hometown feelings came with the help of one bar in the disneyland hotel and a monkey which hung off the side of the boat and gathered treasures for me in the dark. Anyhow I recently returned to the disney company my annual pass for the following reasons. As of yet I have not received a reply- I dont really think I will but I sleep better knowing I said my peace. For shame and sad what mankind does once it aquires hoards of money.

read on:

To: Robert Iger
President and Chief Executive Officer
Cc: Kerry D. Chandler

Senior Vice President, Corporate Responsibility, The Walt Disney Company

Dear Robert Iger,

First, I am a life long fan of Disneyland. My love affair with Disneyland began before my birth, as my parents met while working at your theme park in the 1960’s. They celebrated their 20th anniversary along with us kids at your park. When my younger sister passed away around Christmas in the early 80’s we went to your park on Christmas to bond once again within the familiarity of the happiest place on earth. In short, Disneyland has always been a part of my family.
However I write to you now both as an upset member of the Disney family and a concerned human being. Enclosed is my annual Disneyland passport. It was given to me as a Christmas present by my parents so that we could continue building family memories. However, building family memories for me will no longer occur at your theme park. The consideration to boycott your theme park has been building ever since the Disney Corporation became an avid supporter of its own agenda and not a supporter of the many low-income people who live and work in the city of Anaheim.
To me, Disneyland has become another example of a corporation who only cares what happens within its own walls. I have read about big public donations you have made, however when you truly had the opportunity give back to the community, you chose to further alienate them and turn away from social responsibility. There is no argument that employees in your park and in the surrounding hotel businesses have assisted you in your profit making, all the while making less then a livable wage and when you had the opportunity to assist them with their economic and housing challenges you chose to not only turn a blind eye to their situation but also create an image detrimental to them. When I read that Disney referred to affordable housing as slum housing for pimps, prostitutes, and drug dealers (Los Angeles Times, August 2nd) I became so angry and disappointed in the ‘happiest place on earth’ I knew I could no longer attend your park and feel happiness without anger.
Please take this letter seriously. As a professional Social Worker, I have worked with the homeless for several years. As an advocate for affordable low income housing I will make it my mission to be certain other Disneyland fans like myself know who the Disney Corporation truly is. Shame on you, you had the opportunity to truly make peoples dreams come true, a life long Disney motto, and you not only took away these dreams but you added the inaccurate and harmful image of who these people are and what affordable housing actually is.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Origin of Chubby Pigeon

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Laying the Egg that Became Chubby Pigeon:

When I was in 6th grade there was a boy in my glass named Darren Musto. I have a very poor memory yet somehow I will forever remember this kids name. Like most girls, I met puberty much sooner then the boys in my class and for me this meant being about 2 feet taller then most of them. I also developed hips, tits, and ass much younger as I was blessed to have the family chubby gene. This kid Darren would stand behind me in the hallway as we pilled into class and mutter the word ‘AMAZON’ in my ear. At the time I had no idea what it meant but it didn’t sound pleasing. I wanted so badly to be shorter that I would often stand hunched over with both kneecaps bent in a vain attempt to appear shorter. When I look back on my adolescent pictures now I simply look like I had some type of physical defect. Ah those were the awkward days of puberty. Fuck em.

As I grew older I discovered the origin of this word. Amazon: a notably tall, physically strong or strong willed woman. I am 5’11. Yes I am tall and yes I am chubby. It didn’t take long for me to appreciate what this meant. In our society tits come in very handy. As John Waters once wrote –the first thing a woman learns is that tits are a weapon, if you’ve got em stick em out.’

I then began to notice that much of my teenage years were spent in pursuit of getting other girls into bed that had these assets. I appreciated all body types, yet there was something more enticing to me about girls with a little extra junk in their trunk. I also have a phobia of bones, which may contribute to picking those partners I intended on fucking to have extra padding. To me nothing is sexier then a voluptuous girl confident in her body type and willing to show it off without the fear of being judged, ridiculed, or harassed.

About three years ago my depression soared and I began to doubt everything beautiful about my body. I found my weight to be my enemy, my tits and ass too big, my age too old, and in general I was just fat. I found myself hating skinny girls because it appeared to be what everyone found attractive. The fact is I can never be skinny, small, or younger. I am not a girl who giggles or asks questions I know the answers to to make other people feel smart, yet I found myself contemplating these horrific acts.

I started therapy, worked on and continue working through these challenges and now think fuck it. I am not an advocate of American plastic surgery and view the act as another component to the hyper capitalism fear of death oppression and expectations women in this society fall victim to. So, I squatted and out came the egg that cracked open into chubby pigeon. I want to have a forum to display what I think beauty is. I wanted to have a place where I can share my political ideologies, videos, sexual explorations, pigeon adventures, and display my fetish for beautiful chubby women wearing ornate hats.

I want to read your comments, hear your opinions, and listen to your stories. As women in this society we are exploited, pitted against each other, oppressed, and are given a list of unattainable expectations by men who hold over us an ideal that I would never want to fuck. So here it is, Chubby Pigeon, welcome to my nest.