Monday, February 25, 2008

Queen Bee Tangee

I helped some friends out this weekend with their movie by way of costume design, allowing me the pleasure of dressing women in hats and head dresses. My favorite turnout was Tangee, a kind and flexible woman who worked through her awful cold and on her anniversary. I used a belt purchased at thrift store for 50 cents and monk assisted me with his creativity as we made it into a wicked head piece for her belly dance scene. It is a head dress unlike any style I have ever made and I was most pleased with her turn out. I will post more pics later, however I fell in love with these and felt they could not wait!
And now I give you Tangee..




Her and her killing machine!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

and now there is one


its too personal to post how i feel about her here, odd though i post so much about my life. i just wanted to say goodbye and once again write a thanks to everyone who offered me kind words and support. i picked up her ashes today, odd she seemed larger than life yet she has been reduced to a zip lock baggie. it was just a reminder that nothing is forever and to appreciate what you have while you have it. i love you sadie.
