Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Close Encounter of a Slithery Kind


I had a visitor tonight. As I walking from my living room to the kitchen I saw a slither outta the corner of my chicken eye. I quickly reverted to the snake patrol stance I learned on my road trip grabbed the flashlight and assumed the position! I gathered the pot from a frying pan and after following the creature from under my bar, behind the tv, under the couch, and between Clue and Battleship I cornered him! (or her) Upon closer inspection my slithering friend appeared to be a tiny baby lizard, long in size but quite thin- something I'm not used to in this all things round house.

We shared a moment and then I set him/her free on the ledge of my window where he/she once again wondered wild into the setting sun. I have named him/her Frogger.

May you have a good life Frogger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, Frogger. Maybe he was from Arches. Come to call you home.