Thursday, August 14, 2008

Channel Surfing

There is an old western on channel 13, a football game on 11, news repeats on 9, some show about doctors which is more like a soap opera, on 7, a teen drama on 5, and the save my soul channels PBS and KCET are both disappointing me now. There is city construction on the street outside, some type of emergency hole is being pounded through to the sewer. It is hot and humid and my fridge offers no relief. In it now to drink are four things: over 40 cans of beer which I rescued from Vegas, flat sprite, a half drank soda that tasted bad so I put it back in the fridge instead of throwing it away (why I dont know), and water. I am having a glass of water. The fan is suckin semi cold air in the front windows and pushin the hot air to the back of my small cave, so rest assured when this bear hibernates tonight she will not be happy.

Its quiet here. I have been sitting here since I got home at 5pm trying to figure out why I am in a funk. My phone has not rang and I miss Monique who has been in Vegas for weeks and fear her move there is imminent. I dont have any plans for anything and I think that's part of the issue. All week I have come home from work and just come home. My summer road trip came and went, CVI is over, and now I work. Work for the first time in my life is 8 to 4. I dont think the mundane m-f schedule is for me. Its not that I dont like the job, in fact it is getting better than when I first started. I just feel so bland.

You see when I get home its 5pm and I know I have to wake up at 6:30am, so whats the point of trying to do something. So I usually just nap. Then I wake up around 8pm and wonder what I should do before I go back to bed at 11pm. Depressing huh? My treadmill beckons me, as do my long walks down los feliz, but I dont have the energy for anything. I think I need some friends. Have those feelings I had watching the sun come up over the road faded? How come I can no longer smell the campfire? I am off to look at houses for sale in Arches.



Unknown said...

I totally hear you right now.... I think I may be in the same funk. All of a sudden, everything is kind of overwhelming me again.

Anonymous said...

Reread your journal! And find something else to look forward to. Such coming down for Labor Day!