We made it. We crossed through the Carolina's. Craziness. These two states embody more of what I thought the South would be like, confederate flags and plantation homes and when walking through the supermarket-also called Piggly Wiggly- some older man looked at me and said 'nice hair, fuckin retard'. Oh the South! Other then that it's all been good, peeps have been quite nice.
Average home looks like this one.....
We also passed this truck stop..anyone want to take a shower here? :)
We awoke this morning after I spent the night among fire flies and went to the Blackbeard exhibit at the North Carolina nautical museum, yes I had a moment. They have various items on display from where his ship 'Queen Anne's Revenge' hit a barge off the Orokoke Islands in the 1720's. The actual bell and cannons (still loaded with cannon balls) were all displayed with minimal security. Amy warned me before we walked in. So I just stood there and starred. Ah homesick. If you notice me in the reflection of the plexi glass in this picture you can probably see me crying. I am the nerdiest pirate ever! But I steal better than most of em!
We drove onward in freakish heavy heavy thunder and lightening weather, amy had to drive since I made myself ill. It was so bad and I couldnt see the road that my hands starting shaking. Amy is the ne jesus christ. I write this to you now on the boarder of N Carolina and Tennessee. I am heading West toward home.
Onward adventure awaits!
PS check out palmetto bugs on wicki- they are all over our campground. Oh yeah I also found out I may have some bug issues, its just that wont you dont know can convince you it can hurt you. They are huge black flying cockroaches. Yup, I am typing this from inside the cabin...Where is my hammer and flashlight, I need to go smoke now.
and you said nice in-breeding, you six toed M*ther F**ker, right?
I hope you took lots of pics of the museum. sounds cool. what was the temp of the ocean over there? miss you guys
ps- palmetto bug is a nice word for cockroach
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