Mississippi, not much here, just drove through!! It's not what I pictured, very lush and green; not at all like the 'if you want to live in a trailer park and marry your sister' that I had in mind. :(
Further down the road we stumbled upon Alabama. Two thumbs up. We found a backwoods-literally-campground and settled in for the night- adios humidity! The weather was so nice, swarms of fireflies and it felt a lot like Northern CA, without the redwoods. I slept like a log in the tent, over ten hours, and awoke to the sounds of owls at 5am then more birds at 6:30 am, nice! I made us dinner on our make shift stove- dad you would have been proud- and even percolated coffee in the am with propane, nicely.
I loved these frogs, they were everywhere and no larger than your pinky nail, this was told me his name was Gunther.
Freedom walk from Selma to Montgomery.
We woke up and first stopped in Birmingham, Al to see the civil rights park and the monuments that stand for the children killed in the bomb blast by the KKK. So sad.
Once in Georgia we stopped to see the birth and death place of Martin Luther King Jr. So powerful. The museum stands across the street from the Ebinezer Church he preached in. The museum had some very powerful and sad reminders of who makes up this country. I felt so awkward, the museum mostly filled with Blacks and it being located in very small and poor Black town, it was just a reminder again of how much I hate my race. Good thing I tell people I'm Mexican!
From here it gets crazy- amy will type her story....
I'm happy to finally make a guest appearance on this blog. From the somber remembering at the MLK monument to the tacky attractions that is road side america. I would like to say this one fulfilled a life long dream of mine, but really I only learned of it a few months ago. Babyland General Hospital in Cleveland, GA. A 75 mile detour north to the birthplace of cabbage patch kids. This is really where Xavier Roberts was from, and is now a creepy and odd type of museum. I was taken back immediately to Hobby City days of my youth, when I would take all 8 of my cabbage patch kids in for their annual check ups. I sorely wished I had one with me today. You walk in and find babies ("doll is a four letter word") in incubators, in cribs, peering out at you as if from behind bars. Scores of babies look up, arms outstretched, and the numerous signs let you know they are all available for adoption. Surely my social work roots started with adopting cabbies. As we walked around, an announcement came on the loud speaker that a baby was about to be born if we wanted to witness. The 6 other visitors and we gathered around where the nurse in full scrubs and with the utmost sincerity told us the mother cabbage was 9 leaves dilated. The bunny bees sprinkle their magic dust, and the crystals light up to let you know a baby is about to be born. The nurse does a sonogram to reveal the sex (I kid you not) and pulls it out of the cabbage with a smack on the backside. Thank god it wasn't a breach, she says. We got it all on tape, and I smiled, giddy as a kid. Becca laughed and made fun of me the whole time, just like when we were kids. The gift shop had more stuff than you ever wanted, including spoons! A definite great add to my collection.
So now we're in Augusta, GA, a random truck stop motel for the night. We are at the Scottish Inn, where if its not scottish, its CRAP!! Guess this motel is not scottish.
This sounds like the most amazing trip! taking in sooo much history! AMY i would have been smiling right with you!! totally creepy but totally reminds you of being at hobby city!! hahaha. great pictures!!
becca, i leave on monday for peru, check out my blog, i will send you a link!
Miss you love you!!
Lisa V
this was the best, dad said "i love our kids" such great memories definitely would have like to share this day with you. laughed so much reading about the cabbage patch hospital, isn't it funny how old memries can just wash over you Amy!! sending hugs to you both
AMY! I am so proud. You finally witnessed the miracle of birth:)
You girls are keeping a smile on my face, but you are also missing some good weather back home:)
got your postcard today!! must have been nice to meet other Obama supporters (amy) missyouloveyou
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