good evening rain.
as the rain falls outside and monkey sits beside me on the couch studying i thought i would log in and write. i have spent the last two days sleeping and sleeping, with lapses to sip tea and watch the tellie. i am one of those people who doesn't like using sick time for sick time but i felt it necessary and tonight i feel much better. i feel slightly more nauseated due to the governor ads on tv and if i have to hear or see meg's voice one more time i am going to cancel my ebay account. how can someone dump $140 million on a political race then tell me that california belongs to everyone. eh.
scary pirate?
over the past weekend i had the honor of spending time with my little family, grandma bozo and pax. in preparation for halloween grandma and i took them to a pumpkin patch and a costume store. hilarious. pax couldn't stop staring at jason from friday the XIII who greeted us by the door yielding a machete; ironically bodhi tried to calm him down however it was bodhi who had trouble falling asleep as the man haunted his dreams;pax snored below him.
i'm trying to figure out what else to type. the past couple of months have been busy with nonprofit planning, outreach and engagement events, and the usual work ups and downs. my sister announced she is getting married to long time best friend of the family berto, swell swell young lad, and she will be moving back down south, not pigeon forge south, but los angeles south. well its more like the oc but i dont like to call it that. i am happy, both for the marriage and for them moving! now if only my one true love, poochie, would come back down. happily i learned he got his dmv id back and is now able to rent a vehicle so i hope to see him more often. my sister is in the process of looking for homes to rent and hopefully they will chose someplace in a downtown area, with quaint old fashioned charm. i know it will be an adjustment for her after living in such as diverse and beautifully eclectic place as san francisco for so long, however i am hoping that having a crazy family around will make up for the move!
other then that all is all and that is that. stay tuned for events or the like. life is interesting, even when it's not.
i hope for all those things too! just don't gimme shit for living in the OC. And keep your fingers crossed we can find something with a little charm.
Congrats Amy and Berto! <3
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