Happy 5th of July to chubby pigeons everywhere! These pictures were taken in sequence from our backyard in Highland Park. I feel it urgent to point out these fireworks were not done from a park, a stadium, a school, or even while fire persons were standing by. To those who say we are in a recession I say come to East LA for the 4th of Julio and have a look. I am talkin Disneyland style fireworks above your heads! We had to go nowhere and pay nothing! It was simply beautiful and after the buzz kicked in Alex wasn't so worried the house was going to burn down.
We stayed back from family gatherings this year, sorry guys, due to the new home owners fear of our house being set ablaze, why I don't know it is the only catastrophe our insurance covers: fire. Nevertheless it was a jolly good time.
I love taking a man down! In addition to bbq and fireworks alex broke out his pellet gun and we took dead aim on the rich kids, got them in the crosshairs, and took them down! We thought we would honor the hard working people of this country by taking shots at those people we thought destroyed or are destroying America.
Target hit!! (repeatedly) In the middle of all this madness my friend David turned to me and asked- Do you like America? I looked at him and said Hell's yes man, I love America, just not most of the people who make decisions in their best interest, financial interest which is what I feel our government has become. The concept of sharing is out the window, taking care of others is out the window, and giving everyone that equal opportunity, I feel, is so far from the truth. However this is the most beautiful place in the world, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. To make my point understood I played Coming to America by Neil Diamond and completed this with a dance off! The people here are so diverse, like no other place ( keep in mind I have only been to Mexico- and on the baja side) but I feel this is so. How awesome is it that when we choose where to have dinner we chose from essentially every type and style of food- from sushi to banana wrapped enchiladas. Rad!
So I salute you America! And remember...
'Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.' - Lincoln
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