Chef Monkey in Training. On saturday we had our friends over to warm up our house yet again however this time we were fortunate enough to have borrowed a canopy and broke in the new firepit given to us by my LOVELY family.
The morning began with alex making sushi- entirely from scratch- I think about 100 pieces in all. Then he made canapes! As I watched him I thought about how much we have gotten our shit together and just how far we had come in life. Good thoughts.
Each invitation we sent out had a clue within saloon doors that led our friends to find individual bottles we had made for them.
Complete with pictures of us drinking together and poetry about alcohol, it was the thing to get people feeling right at home! On Moniques bottle it read 'To always doing sober what you say you'll do drunk' as our plans are quite elaborate at most times bar side. The back of the bottle had a label which read:
Established in 2010 La Chateau Nolden
has become known for it’s fine wine, fine food,
and finer folks. All grapes are hand picked for
freshness and stomped on by only the
finest millipedes.
Government Warning: Consuming alcoholic
beverages may cause pregnancy or blood
stains on floor. Objects in rear view mirror
may be sexier than they appear.
I also made brownies- which appeared to be a favorite- as one of the guests exclaimed- I want to have sex with these brownies! Sadly I did not capture that on film.
I was most impressed and felt loved by everyone as everyone made it- well with the exception of Ashley who had to help her cousin move. We chilled by the fire all night until the wee hours of morning and I feel the party was a success! Music screamed in the backyard which gave way to a small 80's dance club...complete with friends wrapping around the bars on the canopy strip style!
The guys!
It isn't often we all get to be together anymore as we are all busy and doing our own things in life however for one brief moment we all set schedules aside and it felt like old times.
Thanks Nolden for making our friends comfortable and I now feel somewhat whole after having our family and friends over. It will be a long week now as this has past and I am thinking who will visit next?????? Will it be you?
I love the people in my life!
you (and Alex) have come a long way baby... and look at how rewarding life is!
Daaamn it looks like you guys can coook :D
the food looks sooo goooddddd :D
just thought i'd comment and say hi XD
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