On saturday my family- well part of them- came up to Nolden for cocktails and snacks then as the sky opened up and a heavy downpour of chubby rain descended we headed to south pasadena high school to play bingo!
Discovered in 2010, this bingo hall is conveniently located about a mile from our home, has a $15 buy in for 22 games- each paying out $250 to the winner!, and for some strange reason is fun- although it's not quite Vegas fun! My family had asked if I knew what I wanted to do for my birthday and I thought this would be grand.
In corner number one we had my aunt Jan, next to the queen herself my grandma, next to the original queen my mother, and a lady who often wishes she was a queen- a drag queen- Monique.
In corner number two we had the men- thats the corner I was in!
My dad, seated next to me, seated next to monkey. I guess it made it easier for all the drinkers to pass booze to each other underneath the table!- something I really need to work on.
Did anyone win some people have asked. No, no we did not. However it was fun. Unbeknown to us this night had a jackpot raffle prize of $5000, therefore every seat in the house was filled so we didn't really get to sit in a bingo circle, as its known however glad we went. Also note, they ran out of tri-tip sandwiches... we'll have to go back! Go back too because Monique and I got a free game card for playing bingo in the month of our birthdays! a $25 value! And I just must write that I like it when I get to spend time with me mom and dad- not enough of that lately.
Monkey gives up! I don't think Monkey will be going back as he surrendered somewhere between I 23 and O 71. Ironic for someone who enjoyed math more than he thought he would however could not keep up with the bombardment of numbers!