I set out to do more when I moved and I feel this weekend was good for it, well today anyway. I busted out the slow cooker and the slow cooker recipe book I got about ten years ago from me mom and actually used it. The trouble was- well two things really. I could never use the cooker because well frankly I was lazy and it took the food too long to cook but mostly because I had a dog who liked to eat everything and I was always afraid she would jump onto the counter to eat the stew! I wish she would have- I miss her terribly in a neighborhood so full of dogs. I met a puppy from across the way today, a small black rot mix of 12 weeks old. The woman who owned him didn't speak English that well and I know my Spanish sucks so I guess I got off lucky otherwise I would have figured out where she got him and gotten myself one. He ran around our house for awhile and pee'd on the floor and both Alex and I thought, maybe we should puppy proof the house a little more first.
Anyway, so now my chowder it's in it's finally stage- I give you corn crab chowder, damn this house smells good. I also did a bit of gardening this weekend, well I guess I call it that. I half assly pulled up the weeds in the front garden and laid down potting soil, wet it, and threw wild flower seeds on it. I hope something grows. Who knows. I got that specific mix because the package boasts it invites animals and hummingbirds, bring it!
And alex helped me put these up tonight. To give our little home on the prairie some more pizazz we got gingerbread wood cut outs for the porch. Cute! Now I can follow up my monday off with a mint julip on the porch.
such a wonderful yummy soup to enjoy in your own home and lovely it is too
I have that same book! And I love the gingerbread cut outs. Get your fresh aliens here.
Soo cute.
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