Last night at 3:02 am tragedy struck and the filming of our 90210 video took a turn for the worse. Todd crashed into the bar in a vain attempt to reenact the vollyball scene between dylan and brandon. Half my glasses broke- no biggie here as most of them were stolen from various casinos and wine tastings- but a monkeys pride and joy shattered into six pieces. A gorgeous hand crafted robot which took days to complete, sculpted from clay, now sits on top of my kitchen table waiting to be repaired. We should've seen this coming but nope, too much whiskey and my will to recreate the intro to 90210 got the better of us. The mood was quickly somber and one very drunk todd was poured into bed. It is a quiet day in my house and I am trying to stay busy.
I have decided to pull everything out of my closet and get rid of lots of shit I dont need. There are three piles. One for laundry because moths need baths too, one for needs to be hung up, and one for ship it off on the next boat and that boat is getting full! I have lots of stuff in my closet that I was always going to fit into one day, going to alter through sewing, or it was cheap so I bought it- all of that is shipping off to goodwill.
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