Friday, September 26, 2008

Sassy Ashley


Yee intruders beware! Crushing death and grief!


Ashley has been a good friend to me for over six years. She is one of the most kind people I have known, she gives until it hurts her and often wonders through life searching for buried treasure like this girl does. Finally she agreed to sit down and let me turn her into a glamour girl. The night before her shoot she stayed up and watched Zoolander to study Blue Steel's modeling moves. I believe it paid off!


She is a jeans and t-shirt girl but I think I was able to capture a more feminine side of her, and yes folks she even put on lipstick and fake eye lashes for me.

And.... she always smells like a vanilla ice cream cone.

I love you ashley... I mean Blue Steel!

All of her pics are up on the main site! enjoy.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

And now Ms Fever Blister...


I give you Ms Fever Blister! This is the brains and beauty behind 'Paws for a Cause' a new nonprofit group which seeks to assist low income pet owners when emergency strikes and services are needed. She is one of the most amazing, charismatic, and charming woman I have met thus far for my ChubbyPigeon project.


When this silly girl was not laughing or sticking her tongue out at me, as she often makes comical faces, I was able to capture a more serious seductive side of her, yeah I said seductive! She performs all over Southern California in a variety of burlesque shows and can also be found in back alleys or when she is lucky, stalking butcher shops.


Do drop in and say hello to her, she is most likely to bring a smile.

welcome Ms Fever Blister, you are makin me itch!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

a brief trip to china town

anyone want to drink down china town with me?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Center for Inquiry gets five stars

Last night at midnight Alex took to my first ever stand up comedy show at the Center for Inquiry. The center, one block east of my apartment, is my voting place and I always wondered what they did there. It is an atheist based organization dedicated to promoting critical inquiry and human enrichment. Every Saturday night at midnight they host what's known as The Tomorrow Show. A comedy show so crass and politically jarring if you don't like the state of our country the least you can do is have a good laugh about it.

I haven't laughed so hard in a long time, at times I gasped for air and couldn't breathe, and I would like to point out I was sober. The show lasted until 3am and although my butt was numb when I was walking home and still now as I sit here and type this, it was worth it! Wake up butt cheeks!

Anyway check these guys out, they have centers everywhere and admission to events looks to be five bucks or less and they are good people.

-check it out!

and now coffee.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Starting a nonprofit for Dummies


Tonight will be a good night. I am meeting with a fellow homeless advocate and we are going to crack a bottle of wine and brainstorm how to start our own nonprofit. As most of you know I began working in downtown Los Angeles about a
month ago in 'skid row'. The job has been, at times, rewarding however it is incredibly frustrating because none of the agencies work together. Funds are so scarce that most agencies will not help those clients who are not members of
their shelter. So I am thinking what the fuck?

The fact is, the majority of my clients are so paranoid, schizophrenic, or isolated they would rather be on the streets
because they don't trust being around people. Many of these clients have stayed in the emergency shelters and contracted lice, scabies, or had items stolen from them or witnessed violent fights so they choose to sleep on the streets where they actually feel safer. Because of this they are do not have access to hygiene and clothing items that most people in shelters have. And these agencies have basements full of clothing. Its power play at its worst. I dont know what I was thinking about assuming everyone who worked in 'skid row' had the best interest of homeless people in mind. Many people wont even call me back or if I am lucky enough to get an appointment to go and meet someone at an agency they tell me they cant help because the client has to be with me. How the fuck do you get someone who is paranoid schizophrenic into a car and take them some place they have never been. Its really ridiculous.

So I made some phone calls to the actual warehouse super agencies that deliver goods to these shelters and they laid down the facts. Find an agency that will sign off for goods for you and we can deliver goods to you through them. 'Sorry, we dont donate to county'. Frustration and chain smoking began. So I was thinking how hard could it be to start my own nonprofit. Well folks not that hard. You need to come up with $1,000 to register your group, fill out mounds of paperwork proving your mission, elect a board, obtain an employee number with your county office, and build a website. So, first things first we are going to come up with our name and mission statement then talk about some fundraising activities. I was thinking if one hundred people I knew donated ten bucks that would cover the register. ten bucks!

Our basic mission is to obtain donations of clothing and hygiene products that will be hand delivered to those who most need them and to offer hygiene baskets and metro bus passes to those just released from jails or hospitals.
The name I wanted most and that was most catchy to me was 'Never Nude'- :) However alex thought that was too shameful. I also like 'Shirt off your back'.



Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Close Encounter of a Slithery Kind


I had a visitor tonight. As I walking from my living room to the kitchen I saw a slither outta the corner of my chicken eye. I quickly reverted to the snake patrol stance I learned on my road trip grabbed the flashlight and assumed the position! I gathered the pot from a frying pan and after following the creature from under my bar, behind the tv, under the couch, and between Clue and Battleship I cornered him! (or her) Upon closer inspection my slithering friend appeared to be a tiny baby lizard, long in size but quite thin- something I'm not used to in this all things round house.

We shared a moment and then I set him/her free on the ledge of my window where he/she once again wondered wild into the setting sun. I have named him/her Frogger.

May you have a good life Frogger.

Monday, September 1, 2008



Last night at 3:02 am tragedy struck and the filming of our 90210 video took a turn for the worse. Todd crashed into the bar in a vain attempt to reenact the vollyball scene between dylan and brandon. Half my glasses broke- no biggie here as most of them were stolen from various casinos and wine tastings- but a monkeys pride and joy shattered into six pieces. A gorgeous hand crafted robot which took days to complete, sculpted from clay, now sits on top of my kitchen table waiting to be repaired. We should've seen this coming but nope, too much whiskey and my will to recreate the intro to 90210 got the better of us. The mood was quickly somber and one very drunk todd was poured into bed. It is a quiet day in my house and I am trying to stay busy.

I have decided to pull everything out of my closet and get rid of lots of shit I dont need. There are three piles. One for laundry because moths need baths too, one for needs to be hung up, and one for ship it off on the next boat and that boat is getting full! I have lots of stuff in my closet that I was always going to fit into one day, going to alter through sewing, or it was cheap so I bought it- all of that is shipping off to goodwill.
