Its quiet here. I have been sitting here since I got home at 5pm trying to figure out why I am in a funk. My phone has not rang and I miss Monique who has been in Vegas for weeks and fear her move there is imminent. I dont have any plans for anything and I think that's part of the issue. All week I have come home from work and just come home. My summer road trip came and went, CVI is over, and now I work. Work for the first time in my life is 8 to 4. I dont think the mundane m-f schedule is for me. Its not that I dont like the job, in fact it is getting better than when I first started. I just feel so bland.
You see when I get home its 5pm and I know I have to wake up at 6:30am, so whats the point of trying to do something. So I usually just nap. Then I wake up around 8pm and wonder what I should do before I go back to bed at 11pm. Depressing huh? My treadmill beckons me, as do my long walks down los feliz, but I dont have the energy for anything. I think I need some friends. Have those feelings I had watching the sun come up over the road faded? How come I can no longer smell the campfire? I am off to look at houses for sale in Arches.
I totally hear you right now.... I think I may be in the same funk. All of a sudden, everything is kind of overwhelming me again.
Reread your journal! And find something else to look forward to. Such coming down for Labor Day!
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