MSN has published yet another groundbreaking and fresh (read: stereotypical and craptacular overall) article posing the question: What if no one in America were fat? MSN takes it from the financial standpoint:
We’d save billions of dollars in gas. Airlines would double their profits. A dearth of diabetes and other diseases would save billions of dollars more. […] Productivity would rise, potentially creating tens of thousands more jobs or higher wages all around.
Add up the savings up on health, food, clothing and efficiencies, and you could buy a professional home gym for every U.S. household — or hand each $4,270 in cash.
Fat drivers use more gas and they’re COSTING US MONEY!
Fat clothes-wearers need more material to cover themselves and they’re COSTING US MONEY!
Fat folks are sick all the time and the cost is sucking away healthcare dollars from those who really need it and they’re COSTING US MONEY!
Fat folks are dragging companies down by taking all those sick days or sitting at their desks feeling unwell, and they’re COSTING US MONEY!
ZOMG! Fat is attacking our economy! No wonder we’re on the verge of recession, what with fat folks basically stealing money from fellow commuters, fashionistas, CEO’s, and kids with cancer.
On top of these savings would be billions of dollars more. Manufacturers and builders wouldn’t have to make doorways bigger, car seats wider, furniture stouter. Some even argue that global warming would slow a mite, as consumption of gas, energy, fertilizer and methane-producing cattle decreased. --- taken from
my 2 cents: hahaha, america can never have too many scapegoats. i would hate to be a gay undocumented fat person. this country is so fucked up, never mind the actual reason that this hyper-capitalistic country is consuming itself. if anything this country should love fat people, if all we do is over consume we raise demand, straining supply, ensuring more profit for corporations- by all accounts we are the image of capitalism and they should fly flags in our honor.
i’m so delighted to know fat people are destroying this country, i am going to celebrate by eating an icecream.
1 comment:
THIS COUNTRY IS DRIVING ME BONKERS!!!! And anyways, what!? Who even wrote this article?! Way to pull a lot of information OUT OF YOUR ASS!!! It's not even true!! GEEZ.
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