The most wonderful thing happened today. According to the BBC a trader in the Indian state of Bihar has lost his life savings after termites infesting his bank's safe deposit boxes ate them up. I write that this is a beautiful thing because it simply amuses and awes me that there are creatures, other than humans, whom have no concept of money. It would be like watching as a pigeon tore apart hundred dollar bills to build a nest.
To further amuse me, this man had opened the safety deposit box to keep his fortune hidden from his wife and kids- his family, with whom he was in the process of separating from. I trust this meal was good for all members involved. When irony hands you something to notice you better sit up. It is so odd to me, almost innocently so, how much man is obsessed, if not driven by, paper and what that paper represents when to a simple insect no larger than that rich mans nail the same piece of paper represents a snack. Cheers little termite friend.
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