I am not a religious person however on the rare occasion this pointless universe hands me something of value I take notice. Yesterday in an old saloon I stumbled upon one of those antique fortune-telling machines, you know the ones that spit cards out as useless as your actual life. Now it could’ve been the cocktail of beer and xanax or the interior of the building however this machine called to me, it also could’ve been that as me being a Piscean I am forever drawn to things that don’t exist. The old clay woman from within the booth gave me the following fortune:
Be careful and always look before you leap. Things right now are not as rosy as you anticipate. Make sure you have an absolute thorough understanding of the life you lead. You are naturally too liberal and often times get the worst of it, but you are so broad-minded that, rather then cause hard feelings with anybody, you will stand for abuse and say nothing. Remember that people will always have their best interest in mind and these interests are not your own. Your life is marked with loneliness and despair from the actions of others and though you struggle to make sense of this, failure seems deliberate. You must learn to use your creativity to adjust to such things and will eventually understand that disappointment and isolation will occur often. Drop another coin in the slot and I will tell you more.
I thought better of it and kept my dime, rather then gain additional insight into this life that has turned out to be entirely too long.
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