I have a fetish for picking things. In the common English language a fetish is any degree of attention given to a singular inanimate object, body part, body feature or sexual behavior. Though the word fetish often triggers some type of image of handcuffs or two men embraced in latex, the fact is fetishes can be as ordinary as a married couple’s sex life.
For me this means that picking things are equal to yoga, meditation, and sometimes the sensations generated from picking things is quite similar to the physical results of masturbation. When I pull things like wax out of my ear or lint out of my belly button I get happy, sometimes tingly. People who are honest will admit that having their ears cleaned is generally considered a pleasant feeling, like having one's back scratched. The cleaning of ears is sometimes considered an act of intimacy when performed by a mother to a child or by one's lover. A navel fetishist can be sexually aroused by viewing the inside of a belly button, picking or sniffing the navel of another person, or by having any of that done to their own navel by another or, to a lesser extent, themselves.
The sad thing is this fetish landed me in urgent care last night. I became so convinced there was something of significance in my ear such as a doubloon or insect that I scratched the inside of my ear raw with a q-tip, thus leaving the skin open to infection which must have happened when I used my fingernail to play with the inside of my ear. The doctor humored me as she told me stories of people who had exotic objects shoved into their ears. Alas, I was not one of these; I simply had an ear infection. As of writing this now I cannot hear out of my left ear and there is a severe pain in my neck, I was given eardrops for my infection and a refill of vicodin for the pain, a refill I needed thanks to one banana grabber. I was told to throw out all my q-tips but when I opened my cabinet I couldn’t do it. Is there something wrong with me or is picking parts of your body too enticing to stop, even at the expense of ones health? They need to make mechanical devices that feel as good in ones ear as in ones pussy.
i always hear that q-tips are the worst possible things out there and to stop using them immediatly..but then how do we clean out our ears? Are they self cleaners? I don't understand but i DO have that same picking excitement. It makes me feel proud almost.
bodies are funny.
My mother had a fetish of cleaning out her ears when I was a kid. I would watch her grab a bobby pin and dig and dig into her ear for long periods of time. Her eyes would roll back and her feet would arch. Later, I would wonder if she had orgasms or something from it.
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