It's sunday and the wind is chilly picking up and grey clouds are rolling in. Beautiful. Rain is on the way as I sit here now with a warm cup of coffee complete with vanilla cinnamon cream. It's been a slow moving weekend. I had a colonoscopy on Friday which was pretty amazing. To lie on a bed and watch as a camera explores 50 feet of you innards is pretty remarkable, not to mention the drugs only added to the experience. All went well and I have to go back in three years due to them finding and removing two polyps. Amazing huh?
When I woke up Saturday I painted the fence that surrounds our home. We haven't painted it since we moved in due to it being a canvas for the neighborhood artists. There are several definitions for graffiti such as a backjump which means 'A quickly executed throw up or panel piece. Backjumps are usually painted on a temporarily parked train or a running bus'. I think that is what ends up on our fence. I don't really mind it when it's a picture however when it is unreadable letters slung together it annoys me. The most recent one is this...
Interesting huh? I like boobs, who doesn't? I don't know if the family across the alley enjoyed having this as the backdrop to their bbq's but it made us laugh. Anyway we painted the fence..
I will now monitor it in the mornings to see if Santa came or not; he didn't come last night. I don't know what I would tag if I were such an artist. There is a cat that appears all over the 110 freeway, he is smiley and wears a bow tie in every picture. he makes me smile and upon spotting him monkey always makes meow noises, I like it really but will I like it if it shows up on our fence? Who knows.
After painting the fence we made use of the rental car we had gotten for my procedure on Friday- no driving home and monkey still not driving a stick- so we have the car until monday. Driving through S Pasadena we went to antique stores and low and behold there are wineries- well a couple and we stopped in to have some port. Notice the Italian grape fields behind us.
It was nice to be the passenger and Monkey took great care of me. I am now going to make him pancakes as a thank you with whipped cream and the one strawberry that has grown in our garden.
Enjoy your fleeting weekend guys!