The first is Monkey College!!!
On Monday night I met Monk after work to go to his first art gallery showing. Although he is in school for culinary arts it is true he is still as dedicated as ever to building robots and has recently reconnected to sculpey in order to fashion his objects. When LA Trade Tech college opened up its art gallery to students he submitted his two newest creations!
This one entitled 'Self Portrait'
and this one
'Obispo Avisba'
Cool huh? I was just pleased that he put his work out there for other people to see and that is he being active in school, all of which are giant changes in his life. Many times, as like myself with hats, he creates awesome creatures and then what? He likes them too much to part with them so they go on a shelf and collect dust- this time he took a chance and put them on display...
Yay Monkey!!!!!! Also I feel it worthy to note that last night while watching Jeopardy he knew an answer to a math equation, it was AMAZING!!! He also has an A in his math class. Yup, I know I sound old but who cares. I think it's neat!
The other event was one week ago when I joined with a co-worker to pass out Department of Mental Health literature and also support the cause and walk at the annual 2009 Homewalk!
Although this event seemed less attended this year than the last few I was proud and happy to have taken part in it! Thank you to my family who supported me and donated money to support the cause to end homelessness in Los Angeles!
Well thats that. Right now monkey is sitting on the floor polishing our potbelly stove for the new house and I am looking for things to do to occupy my time... so here I am! Ah Saturday night! We are laying low and staying in as we are trying to save money for the move, anticipating there will be many things to purchase so we are trying to save money!
I am off to look at antiques on craigslist!