Wha wha what?
AS uncomfortable as she may have been behind the lights and camera I hope I gave her some pictures of herself that will assist in looking at herself in a new light. She appeared apprehensive, fearful, and was so tight in her body language when I positioned her that I knew she felt out of place. However I feel what I captured was stunning.
She has her own style and flare, and I absolutely adored her face. She didn't smile for any photographs, save the ones I took when she was talking to her boyfriend who was off camera trying to relax her and make her laugh. I was comforted to know she has someone in her life who adores her and treats her well.
I love love this picture because I feel I captured a bold and confident woman who is secure in her thoughts and in who she is.
We sat and chatted after the shoot and I learned many reasons why she doesn't smile much. As an abused child bouncing in and out of foster care and ending up in a violent marriage that was dangerous for her to leave, life has not been just or kind to this person. We discussed her life and I felt honored that she felt comfortable enough to come and work with me.
One of my best shoots yet.