You ever pop open a book in a used book store to simply smell the old. I do. You ever open a drawer in a thrift store and smell the inside. I do. I love the smell of musk. You ever get a gift from your grandmother that has sat in her closet untouched for forty years and sniff- I love it! I like old things. Anyway last night monk and I went bar hopping- ok well we only made it to 2 1/2 bars, I say 1/2 because one we walked in than out of.
The first bar, humbly pictured above is Trax located within Union Station- the 70 year old train station located in downtown la. It may be my dad's blood in me but I love this place. You can get there via the subway in a ten minute hop from my house so it seemed logical that we start drinking here; however one budlight and one stoli on the rocks ran us $17.00 which quickly ran us to the next bar!
The Biltmore Hotel built in 1923. Located on Grand and 5th it is one of Los Angeles's oldest hotels. It is also home to one of the most beautiful bars I have ever seen, and I've seen lots of bars.
As the drinking ensued we took this picture of us, I actually like it. I feel we are pretty cute, especially when we are plotting for demise.
Thats about it for now. Just made my mom and dad dinner and I am sitting here digesting as I write. The Angels game is on in the background while my mom is asleep aside me on the couch and my dad and I are discussing the days events, as he to was at Union Station today with the 3751 for National Train Day. Yes folks...Today is National Train Day!!
Good night from Cerritos!