Today monk and I woke up at 8:30 am, got coffee, and rolled to the getty villa on pch. I haven't been here in quite some time and although they have moved much of the antiquities I liked to the new getty I still love visiting this museum if only to stroll the gorgeous hallways and act like I live here.
This weekend I had one goal, to get through a weekend without having a drink. I don't think I have a drinking problem, as long as I am not drinking. You see, I am one of those functional alcoholics in that I do not drink that often but when I do, usually a social weekend occasion, I drink too much; leaving me hung over for a couple days. The older I get the longer my hangovers last and after leaving Oakland last weekend with a hangover that lasted for three days I said to myself, are not going to drink again next weekend. And you know what, this self did not drink!
The gift shop was eh and I really wanted to buy this hat but it was 25 bucks. I don't think I could really walk like an egyptian all that much so figured it wasn't worth it.
Monk also attempted to walk like an egyptian but then the man working in the gift shop told us we were not allowed to try stuff on. We scowled at him, unleashed a fury of evil converting him to stone, and managed to get out of the tomb before the snakes ate us. We made it just in time for a picnic in the alcove above the herb garden.
After the getty we drove down pch along the beaches in malibu and found ourselves in Culver City inside the Museum of Jurassic Technology. I will not describe, nor could I if I tried, what is within this museum however it is worth going to, simply beautiful and disturbing.
You can visit their site here:
So now it is 7:48 pm and I am going to sit down and watch sunday night telly; family guy and simpsons with monk and a glass of water. I have made it, not one drip since last weekend and I feel good knowing I actually spent a weekend out and about. There were reasons that made it hard and conclusions that made it clear I have work to do, however I feel the better person for it.
That's all. Thank you.