Ring in the New Year!
Lobsters and Steak!!!!
So this is my 2009. I am getting over my third cold, actually this one is a sinus infection, however I am in the mood to write so I plopped onto the site. My 2008 went out with a bang. It was an awkward holiday as many family members spent mourning the loss of Mocha, dog on the go. It has been particularly hard on my father and brother however I am glad Mocha is no longer in pain. Both her and Sadie are eating poptarts in my memories now. I still can be found standing in my parents backyard yelling 'Action!' the word I used to yell when both dogs were hanging out together in a vain attempt to get Sadie to run around. It basically amounted to her walking slowly toward the avocado tree but Mocha always liked it. Her ashes currently reside on the my parents sofa, the sofa she was never allowed on. New Years eve was a blasto too. Monkey interrupted prayer at the New Years eve family dinner with a knock knock joke, he also passed out shortly there after. (see below for his celebration)
I didnt really mind the knock knock joke because I dont think anyone is listening anyway and once my sister got drunk she stole all the thunder! :) THUNDER! It was hysterical and so nice to not be the one on the kitchen floor for a change.
Most of the family was there, including my bad ass family from Davis that I never get to see. I love my aunt and seeing her hubby cutting loose and giving, nay, forcing out shots was a jolly old laugh. Save Jay when woke up puking, but you know who didn't puke, me! Odd huh. Anyway, I love my family. Notice the B's werent there but we did channel ichat!
And then Obama!! I watched the swearing in at my cubicle at work and cried when he placed his hand on the bible Lincoln used for his swearing in. I have faith that he will be able to unite people and move us forward however I am realistic in the walls that have to come down..
Last year brought my sister and Berto together. It has been so nice seeing both of them happy. Struggled and lonely as they had been and both not enjoying the dating scene, they finally sealed the deal at CVI and continue to be happy together. I am so pleased that two people who kick so much ass are making a go of it, (at Grover Cloverland)
See. it looks natural huh?
So 2009 rolled in. My brother and Mandy broke up. I think I took it hard, still hurts. I wish them both well in their future lives and hope to still be in Mandy's life, however right now that doesn't seem likely. I took the fall for lack of honesty and eventually I hope my brother clears my name but in the meantime I just want whats best for both of them. Berto will be moving in and I hope this advances my brothers responsibility and also his social skills. Poochie is single ladies, LINE UP behind me.
Vagina weekend came! This year we rented a cabin up north along the Russian River. Can I just say 'Is Tamara Home?', if you've seen The Strangers you feel my fear. It was so nice. We had no neighbors and arrived to the cabin in pitch darkness, well in the morning I would find us to be in the backyard of the Korbel Winery. Who needs coffee?!
The Cabin
The View!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me just someone got ripped off. For forty dollars you got a bracelet that gave you access to like 80 wineries and I feel like we did it justice on Saturday! We started off at Korbel and sampled every champagne, port, and brandy with decadent food to follow. Then like frogs in heaven we jumped from pad to pad sippin on wine of all types. Blissful.... It was nice just being alone with my sisters and my mom. There was nice talk in the outdoor jacuzzi and nice naps on the guest bed which overlooked the forest. I don't get to spend too much time with the women in my family and I always find Vagina Weekend to be such a supportive and bonding experience.
and ended up, per my wining, at the River Rock Casino, where I pocketed $320 bucks!! Amy won too! So I treated everyone to a bad ass Mexican dinner with nachos and beer! I love hanging out with the vaginas!
Go mom!
Ya think so?
All in all its been a good year. My relationship with Monk is going very well and he continues to astound me in his progress with his personal challenges. Work is still work and I am learning so many new things about myself. My last photo shoot went very well and I plan on getting back on this hobby horse.
-My stunning last model, Josie Bunny.
I am spending the next two nights from 8pm-2am volunteering for the Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority (LAHSA) helping them with their annual Los Angeles county homeless count. I used the demographics gathered from the 2005 survey for my thesis and also in all of my nonprofit work and political arguments so I figure I have to give back. I am just as passionate and forced in my desire to help others as I have ever been, however have been working on my boundaries. I know I am where I am supposed to be right now. I drove a client to Acton rehab today, out in Antelope Valley, and when I waiting in the lobby for him at his intake I picked up a magazine about outdoor living and the feature was houses in Moab. Odd huh? It's still calling me. I smiled.
Well I think thats that. Drop me a line and say hello or take me out for a drink in a new watering hole!