I just got back from Sacramento.. 816 miles round trip with gas over $3.50 a gallon and you know what it was worth every fucking penny to go up and meet with the people who are cutting our state budget. I went because I could and to speak on behalf of those who could not. I don’t know if people in this state are aware, you know with Britney on the verge of a nervous breakdown and the new season of American Idol starting, but our govenor is about to dramatically slash funding. If revenue, ie taxes, had not been slashed in the past ten years we would have a surplus. However, since the rich need to keep their money and people moaned at the near mention of a $7.00 tax when registering their vehicles at the DMV we need to cut 14 billion from our state budget. The most obvious cuts will be in education and health and human services, not jails or our drug control budgets resulting in the poor once again paying for everyone. Did you know that on average working poor people in this state pay 20% of their income on taxes while the richest only pay 7%, VIVA LA GOVENOR!
To read more about the proposed tax cuts you can go here,
The most painful are the 802 million dollar cuts in Mental Health 4.8 billion dollar in cuts to education and the elimination of 1,000 child welfare social worker positions.... my point.. say good bye to preventing future criminals and homeless people, but I guess we make more off them in jails then we do when they are able to sustain life on their own.
Write letters to your assembly persons, the govenor, and your local city council, that is if you are able to draw yourself away from myspace and the tv!